Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Butterfly Tattoos

Butterfly TattooButterfly tattoos are the most versatile and flexible tattoo designs in terms of color, placement and size among all tattoo images, so no wonder they are popular. They are very feminine, touching and interesting wherever they will be tattooed at. In the world of tattoos, butterflies are perhaps the most celebrated and preferred designs by people, especially women. No matter how classic and typical it is, most ladies would like to be adorned with butterfly tattoos.

Butterfly Tattoo

Some may choose tribal or Celtic which is usually placed on the lower back. Others may go for it with a combination of butterfly and flowers. It looks like a butterfly sipping nectar. I have also seen a full back tattoo design of colorful garden with multitude of butterflies fluttering around.
The symbolical meaning attach to the butterfly tattoo is definitely an obvious reason for making it. Most commonly butterflies are used to symbolize change or transformation, just as the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

A butterfly tattoo can symbolize a personal transformation in your life or a change that you undergo. It can also stand for freedom, in which you are ready to face the challenge that the world around you await. It can also mean rebirth, a new life or a new beginning after going through some bad days. It may be that you have started a new phase of life, or left an old one behind. Personal change or transformation can have a life altering impact. Therefore, some may want to capture it and honor it with a butterfly tattoo.

Although there are various symbolical meaning attaches to butterfly tattoo, sometimes it is just a butterfly tattoo and doesn't have any underlying meaning for one who have it. Appreciating the beauty of this art no need to assign any meaning to it is still absolutely fine. We believe that Sometimes the beauty of an art itself is what holds meaning for us. This is the characteristic of butterfly tattoo.

Butterflies are graceful, beautiful and enchanting. The sight of them seems can lead one to the sunny side of life. No one denial that they have always been associated with beauty, happiness and love which are also the fundamentals in a woman's life. This is why, most women can naturally relate to them. Butterfly tattoo is being chosen because of their natural and physical characteristics. With all of these being said, I do think that there will be definitely more and more butterfly tattoos in the years to come.

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