Thursday, October 29, 2009

heart wrist tatoo

inner wrist Got it done.12.2008, Tattoo in honor of my parents
Got it done on 9.Dec.2008 In honor of my beloved parents that have always been there for me and always will. Without them I wouldn´t be who I am! The dove represents their marriage, (35years allready!) and the heart that the dove carries in form of a ribbon symbolizes the love that they give me every day!.

heart wrist tatoo Had a shoot Dani Preview
Had a shoot with Danny on Monday and wanted to share a preview shot. Shot this at an abandoned orchard near my house, have wanted to shoot there for awhile and I think Danny and I churned out some incredible shots. Shot setup was 2 Minolta 5600hs (d) flashes on stands at 45ยบ on each side of model. Camera left at 1/4 intensity, camera right set at 1/8. Reflected using silver lined umbrellas..

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