.12.2008, Tattoo in honor of my parents
Got it done on 9.Dec.2008 In honor of my beloved parents that have always been there for me and always will. Without them I wouldn´t be who I am! The dove represents their marriage, (35years allready!) and the heart that the dove carries in form of a ribbon symbolizes the love that they give me every day!.
Dani Preview
Had a shoot with Danny on Monday and wanted to share a preview shot. Shot this at an abandoned orchard near my house, have wanted to shoot there for awhile and I think Danny and I churned out some incredible shots. Shot setup was 2 Minolta 5600hs (d) flashes on stands at 45ยบ on each side of model. Camera left at 1/4 intensity, camera right set at 1/8. Reflected using silver lined umbrellas..
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